Our unique Fitness and Education Programme (FEP) combines fitness, numeracy, literacy and science

What is the Fitness and Education Programme (FEP)?

FEP is a programme designed to combine fitness and education using the National Curriculum of Science, Numeracy and Literacy (optional) in Key Stage 1 and 2. The programme is divided into five sections:

  1. The warm up
  2. Dynamic stretching
  3. Main session
  4. The competition
  5. The cool down

Whilst doing the fitness session we incorporate numeracy, literacy and science into each section.

What equipment is needed for the sessions?

  • 1 pen per group
  • 1 piece of paper per group
  • 1 calculator per group
  • Water per person
  • Appropriate clothing and footwear

How long is each session?

Each session within the programme is approximately 20-30 minutes and covers five to six weeks, depending on the school’s requirements.

Are sessions inclusive of all abilities?

Using the school formula table of average, above average and below average, I will show different ways the children can do each exercise.

For example, a warm up exercise is to jog on the spot and increase speed, this would be shown as step, walk or jog, however if someone is wheelchair bound, I could get the child tapping their feet. On the occasions where there are children with SEN, behavioural issues, illness or injury there is always the possibility of them becoming a team member and helping their team with the numeracy literacy or science aspect of the session, therefore including everyone in the class.

Who benefits and how?

There are many research articles that suggest how both the school and pupils would benefit from these programmes, including research conducted by Leeds University and Charles Hillman, professor at the University of Illionois.

"Roy has had an extremely positive effect on lunchtimes at our school. He enthusiastically encourages all children to be active and enjoy sports. Roy mixes competitive and non - competitive activities together so that all children are confident to join in. Lunchtime has never been so enjoyable."

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